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Podcast Course: Stuttering Therapy: A View from Both Sides of the Table

This course is offered for .1 ASHA CEUs (Introductory Level, Professional Area).

"Thank you for making this excellent, research-based learning opportunity that is both extremely accessible and affordable. This is the best kind of PD: it’s one hour at a time so I can learn and then have time to synthesize and apply. It provides information I can apply to my practice immediately; and I can listen and learn while I drive, fold laundry, etc. thanks for the research and resources!"

-Johanna H.

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1 hour 13 mins

Offered for .1 ASHA CEU (1 Hour of PD)

Podcast Course

Watch the course for free below or listen on your favorite podcast player

Post-test included in SLP Nerdcast Membership

  • Podcast Course & Instructions: Stuttering Therapy: A View from Both Sides of the Table

  • Post-Test

Learning Objectives 

After participating in this session participants will be able to:

Describe at least two ways that clinician experiential learning improves long term outcomes in stuttering therapy.

Identify at least 3 roadblocks to therapeutic alliances and how to overcome them.

Time Order Agenda:

  • 10 MIN: Introductions and Disclosures

  • 30 MIN: Descriptions of how clinician experiential learning improves long term outcomes in stuttering therapy

  • 30 MIN: Descriptions of roadblocks to therapeutic alliances and how to overcome them

  • 5 MIN: Closing, Discussion and Questions​

What's Inside:

2 Lessons

Course Description:

Stuttering has the ability to raise fear in those of us lesser trained in the specialty. Between the rabbit holes that arise from Google searches and the mental blocks we put up from a lack of confidence, many SLPs find themselves stuck when it comes to stuttering therapy. However, as our guests shared in this week’s episode, staying stuck in a mindset of, “I don’t know anything about stuttering,” has the potential to negatively impact you, sabotage your therapeutic relationships and outcomes with your students/clients. Tune in to learn how to do fabulous and effective stuttering therapy, without knowing, “all the things,” about stuttering. In this podcast  course, you’ll explore the importance of experiential learning in your SLP practice with the best guides available - husband and wife duo, Lee and Nina Reeves. Nina and Lee come to the table to offer two perspectives of the stuttering experience - that of a person who stutters, and that of a person who supports people who stutter. Lee shares his personal stories of the clinicians who made the biggest impacts in his life and stresses that it wasn’t their understanding of the definition of stuttering that helped him most, but rather some surprising soft skills that you likely have in your back pocket right now. Nina shares practical strategies to help you break down the mindset and logistical roadblocks that may interfere with your ability to develop mutual trust, partake in experiential learning, and benefit from therapeutic alliances within your work settings.

Customer ReviewS

This was a very information and eye opening presentation on the perspective of stuttering therapy from both a clinician and a person who stutters!


This was a great podcast. I loved Lee's perspective as a person who stutters.


Hearing from both Lee (a person who stutters) and Nina (a stuttering expert) was so helpful to gain educations from both sides of the table. I have so many ideas now to implement with my students!


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Meet Your Instructors

Nina Reeves, M.S. CCC-SLP, BCS-F, ASHA Fellow

Nina Reeves, M.S. CCC-SLP, BCS-F, ASHA Fellow is a board-certified specialist in fluency disorders. Nina is staff fluency specialist for Frisco ISD and fluency specialist consultant for San Diego Unified Schools. Nina is a nationally recognized workshop presenter in the area of fluency disorders and is an author of clinically based materials. She is co-owner of Stuttering Therapy Resources. Nina is a recipient of numerous awards, including the ASH-F Van Hattum Award for outstanding contributions to public schools, and recently was awarded the 2019 ASHA Certificate of Recognition for Special Contributions in Preschool-Grade 12 Education Settings. 

Kate Grandbois (she/her) & Amy Wonkka (she/her)


Kate and Amy are co-founders of SLP Nerdcast. Kate is a dually certified SLP/BCBA who works primarily as an "AAC Specialist". She owns a private practice with a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration, argumentative alternative communication intervention and assessment, and consultation. Amy is an SLP who also works as an "AAC Specialist" in a public school setting. Amy's primary interests are AAC, typical language development, motor speech, phonology, data collection, collaboration, coaching, and communication partner training and support.

SLP Nerdcast Lee Reeves.jpg

Lee Reeves is a retired veterinarian having practiced for over 45 years. Dr. Reeves is a person who stutters and has been actively involved with self-help and support individuals and families affected by stuttering for over 40 years. He has served as a public member of the ASHA Specialty Board for Fluency Disorders and the ASHA Council for Clinical Competence. He has also served on the Texas State Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and is the past Chairman of the board of Directors for the National Stuttering Association. Lee is the CFO for Stuttering Therapy Resources, Inc. He is the recipient of mutiple awards including the Distinguished Service Award from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, the Public Service Award from the Texas State Sppech and Hearing Association, the Distinguished Consumer Award from the International Fluency Association, the Hall of Fame Award from the National Stuttering Association, the Charles Van Riper Award from the National Council on Communicative Disorders and the Distinguished Alumnus Award frin the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine.

Lee Reeves, DVM

Speaker Disclosures 

  • Kate is the owner / founder of Grandbois Therapy + Consulting, LLC and co-founder of SLP Nerdcast.

  • Amy is an employee of a public school system and co-founder for SLP Nerdcast

  • Nina is part owner & COO of STR, Inc. (ownership interest and royalties, intellectual property).

  • Lee is part owner & CFO of Stuttering Therapy Resources, Inc.

  • Kate is a member of ASHA, SIG 12, and serves on the AAC Advisory Group for Massachusetts Advocates for Children. She is also a member of the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy (BABAT), MassABA, the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) and the corresponding Speech Pathology and Applied Behavior Analysis SIG.

  • Amy is a member of ASHA, SIG 12, and serves on the AAC Advisory Group for Massachusetts Advocates for Children.

  • Past volunteer for both National Stuttering Association and Stuttering Foundation of America

  • Past volunteer for both National Stuttering Association and Stuttering Foundation of America

References & Resources

There were so many important references and resources from this course that we gave them their own PDF! Download the free PDF handout above with a list of references and resources from this episde.

Course Details


Listen to this course on your favorite podcast player, on our YouTube channel, or using the video above.

Course Number


Transcript Available  

A transcript may be available for this course. Click here to visit our blog and read the transcript. Email for transcript help or accessibility needs.

Available on demand 


Course Disclosure 

Financial and In-Kind support was not provided for this course. Learn more about corporate sponsorship opportunities at


The contents of this course are not meant to replace clinical advice. SLP Nerdcast hosts and guests do not endorse specific products or procedures unless otherwise specified.

Additional Information

All certificates of attendance and course completion dates are processed using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC is 5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST) and 8 hours ahead of Pacific Time (PT). If you are using SLP Nerdcast courses to meet a deadline (such as the ASHA Certification Maintenance deadline) please be aware of this time difference. Your certificates and course completion dates will reflect UTC not your personal time zone.

Closed captioning and transcripts are available for all courses. If you need additional course accommodations please email

Refunds are not offered for digital products, downloads, or services

Certificates of attendance are only awarded to participants who complete course requirements

Please email for course complaints

Thank you to our Contributing Editors

Episode Summary provided by Tanna Neufeld, MS, CCC-SLP, Contributing Editor

Audio File Editing provided by Caitlin Akier, MA, CCC-SLP/L, Contributing Editor

Promotional Contribution provided by Paige Biglin, MS, CCC-SLP, Contributing Editor

Web Editing provided by Sinead Rogazzo, MS, CCC-SLP, Contributing Editor

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