You write it. We publish it. Peers read it.

Contribute to our open access library of evidence based information

Submit your article.

We publish articles for CEUs written by peers for peers. Our articles are vetted by our Directors and Advisory Board to ensure the content is high quality, evidence based, and in line with governing bodies, like the ASHA Continuing Education Board. If you’d like to submit an article please make sure it meets one of the criteria listed below:

Option 1

  • a minimum of 1000 words (about 2 pages single spaced)

  • intermediate level content (where a portion of the subject area is unfamiliar and a portion of the content is complex for the average SLP)


  • a minimum of 1000 words (about 2 pages single spaced)

  • introductory level content (where the familiarity of the subject area and the complexity of the content are average for the average SLP)

Other required information

In addition to the above requirements you will need to submit additional information, including:

  • Name of all authors

  • Article topic

  • Proposed article title

  • 1-2 sentence article summary

  • Article Outline

  • 1 to 2 paragraph article sample

  • Financial and Non-financial disclosures

  • Permissions related to licensure and release

Ready to submit?

Use the form below to submit the necessary information. You submission will be reviewed by our Directors and Advisory Board. If accepted, you will be notified in 6 to 8 weeks. Once accepted, we will work closely with our Directors until your work is ready for publication. Questions? Email us anytime at